Saturday, October 18, 2008

Some More Drama

So I just thought I would tell EVERYONE that I am Lady Macbeth and a Fairy in Dinner Theater :) Terribly exciting I know, but I happen to be way excited so beat that!


Mimi said...

Yay for you! :P

It's sad that you didn't get the part of Desdemona, but I think you'll pull off Lady Macbeth better.

I am being Queen Elizabeth... I don't know if I should be happy or afraid. Yowzers.


JoJo said...

Well, I figure that the scene was really all about Othetho and I get a whole scene all to my self now :)Of course you should be happy silly girl! She's like the main person in the whole show! You get to be in every single scene, not just one or two! Plus you get an awesome dress!