Sunday, November 9, 2008

Oh Milanta

So I have been through like a bizzilion different templates and I have decided that I really like this one. If I change it before anyone reads this, it is pink and blue and green and has kind of a paisley design. But yeah, its been my favorite so far :). I've really gotten into the whole posting pictures thing, so I think I might do some more of that later. I don't even know if I'm doing it right, but it seems to work for me. And bubbles. I love bubbles. I'm sitting here looking at my moms computer and whenever it goes to sleep multi-coloured bubbles pop out from the corner of her screen. Sorry, I'm being really random here. So how many of you have seen Robots? I'm listening to the soundtrack and the last song is called Robot City and it's by Bloue Man Group and John Powell and it's friggen' pimp! I love it! But guess what sucks. I'm totally getting a cold. Like it started last night and it's not really a cold yet, but I have to blow my nose like every five seconds and my throat is way super soar. Which really sucks because I hate blowing my nose at school, but then its good because its means that I wont have a cold for Dinner Theater, but it means I might have a cold soar which sucks even more! And now I'm listening to my absolute favorite song in the entire universe! Wonderful Night by Fatboy Slim! It is so cool of milanta!

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