Sunday, March 29, 2009


Okay, so everyone knows that I've been feeling only slightly *cough cough really cough* crappy lately partly because of personal things, but also because of of one boy imparticular. Well, I just wanted everyone to know that that has all changed. I wont get into the details of it on a public website, but I really truely haven't smiled so hard in a really long time. I just can't stop. And I really don't want to. Junior high boys are just so immature. :D

Friday, March 27, 2009


Why, I think that I am getting rather lazy in my old age *said with a British accent*. I don't know what I am on today, but I sure do feel fantastic! Maybe it's the fact that I only have three more performances and two more days of the musical then I get my life back! No no no, I know what it is! I finished Walk Two Moons and absolutely loved it (even though it made me cry)! No wait, it's because I got a different seat in French! Yeah! Oh, no wait, I know exactly why I feel so gosh darn good right now: It's because my dad is getting BETTER! YEAH! But we're not going to talk about that right now! Right now we're going to talk about... how to apply stage make up! First, you have to put a very thick coat of base on. Then (and this is may pattern) you put bronzer all over your face. Then, you put blush on top of that. And then you have to put on very thick eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara. Finally, you put lip liner on and lipstick and viola! You're ready to go on stage! Or out into public as is the case with my sister. That was a joke! You all should be laughing! I'm going to stop writing now because I have to go and do exactly what I just explained!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The REAL End of 3rd Term

So Friday was the first day of spirng which is the happiest news ever! And which happens to be the only happy news in my life right now. You see spring is my favorite season and it means that in just about 13 days I will be sitting on a giant cruise boat in the southern Caribbean turning into a lobster. But on the flipside we might not get to do many of the activities because of... personal reasons. I'm still really excited though. I got about 40 AR points so I have an A in English, and my math grade is going up. But my French grade is now a B. I really hope she puts more grades in because it will take me down which is not good. Not good at all. I don't really have much to say right now. I'm still really tired. That and I simply can't think of what to write on this anymore. Except one thing which is how betrayed I feel. I didn't say angry because that not the right word, but I do feel very betrayed. And I don't like the feeling at all.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

End of Term 3

This probably wont be my last blog post for 3rd term... but I'm calling it that anyway. So our French 3 class is doing our French plays on MONDAY and like none of us are prepared. So on Monday we have to be at school at 7:00 to practice some more, then we get to embarass ourselves in front of the entire school. Seven times. And because of the plays Ms. C hasn't put grades in for almost a month and I still have a B+ in that class. And an A- in both math and English. Which sucks because I probably wont make it up by next week. And guess what else. This week for the musical is Hell Week. In my last entry I said that nothing else matters 'cause I'm going to Northridge, well I'm still way excited, but I've realized something. I still have to get through that rest of junior high before I can go there. :P. Oh, and one more thing. I officially have 0 AR points.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


OH MY GOD! I'm going to Northridge High School! This is the best thing that has ever happened to me... EVER! I have to be the happiest person alive right now! Life has never felt so good and so fair and so just and so wonderful and beautiful and amazing! You wanna know why? Because I'm going to NORTHRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL! I really want to record the story on here but I can't! So I just want all of you to know that I'm never ever going to be depressed again 'cause this is the best thing that could possibly happen to me! In a time of great sorrow in my life, there is happiness! I would said a light at the end of the tunnel, but that just doesn't quite sum it up. It's like looking strait into the sun! My mom and my sister and my dad are all happy as can be! Not as happy me, granted, but still happy! I feel bad for all the friends I'll be leaving, but then I remember that I'm going to NORTHRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL and all those sad feelings are gone! All I have to do is survive one more term (and a couple of weeks) and I'll be good! LIFE ROCKS! Oh yeah, and I got 93% on my biology test :)