Saturday, March 14, 2009

End of Term 3

This probably wont be my last blog post for 3rd term... but I'm calling it that anyway. So our French 3 class is doing our French plays on MONDAY and like none of us are prepared. So on Monday we have to be at school at 7:00 to practice some more, then we get to embarass ourselves in front of the entire school. Seven times. And because of the plays Ms. C hasn't put grades in for almost a month and I still have a B+ in that class. And an A- in both math and English. Which sucks because I probably wont make it up by next week. And guess what else. This week for the musical is Hell Week. In my last entry I said that nothing else matters 'cause I'm going to Northridge, well I'm still way excited, but I've realized something. I still have to get through that rest of junior high before I can go there. :P. Oh, and one more thing. I officially have 0 AR points.

1 comment:

Lots of Keys said...

Hahaha that's hilarious. No A.R. points at all! I giggle at you hysterically.