Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Dance!

So this was definatly the most fun dance I have ever been to in my entire life! Not that I have been to very many, but it still rocked!Ok so first Mowgli and I danced together, then a whole bunch of other people danced with me including the following: Tesch, Kole, Bronson, Landon, Jensen, Jake, Xavier, Nate, Joe, Justin, and oh my gosh who is the last guy! Can't remember! UGH! Oh it'll come back to me later. Anyway, we wet up in front of everyone and did the Macarana and the Chicken Dance and we ROCKED THE HOUSE! It was really fun! But the worst thing, even thought I danced with 12 guys all together plus a whole bunch of fast songs, I never got to dance with the two guys that I really wanted to dance with with all my heart and soul! :'( I was so depressed when I learned that they weren't coming. And even more depressed when the reality of it sunk in. It would have been the perfect opportunity to make a friendship so that I would at least have a reason to talk to them! And now all my hopes are dashed! Just thinking about it makes my sad inside. And I still can't remember who it was!SUCESS! It was Clark :)

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