Friday, December 26, 2008


So this post is going to be one of two things. Number one it will be so long because I'm describing in detail ever single girft I got, or two. It will be short and to the pooint only talking about the highlights.

Yup, I've decided that I want to go into detail. For the begining anyway. I don't know what will happen later. So on Christmas Eve we're all chillen in the family room and we're doing this puzzle thats way super hard. I got really pajamas that are purple and darker purple and they're really cute. My sister and I decided to go to bed. Now I have to say that that was the absolute worst night of sleeping I have had. I maybe got two hours all together. So at are 5:30 my siter and I decide it's time to go downstairs and so we get my grandma and grandpa and then we went downstairs and got my parents. Now, yes, we still do the whole Santa thing, but I believe this was the last year. I opened my dogs stocking and he gots some bones and toys. Then I opened my stocking and I got some shampoo and conditioner and new tooth paste and a tooth brush and some lip glosses. Now my sister and I always have to open presents at the same time so we wait then open and I got so much stuff. Most of it was clothes, but I also got: a poster, scuba diving gear (for our cruise), a towel, ITunes gift cards, converse, track shoes, underarmor, more clothes, a photoshop program, a key chain photo player thing,a new IHome, and thats all I can remember right now. One of my favorite gift was definatly this thing my grandma and mom did. They made a whole bunch of clues and then I had to go on a treasure hunt. When I found the last one, there was this pot that was filled with gold coins and hidden away on the bottom was one hundred bucks! My sister's favorite gift was a class ring thats pink. She's graduating this year and you should have seen the lok on her face! then we went home and opened more presents. More clothes and movies. Ate some food and I went to bed cause I was dead tired. Wow, I guess it's kind of devolved. . . . But yeah, I think this was a better Christmas than I expected it to be.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Dance!

So this was definatly the most fun dance I have ever been to in my entire life! Not that I have been to very many, but it still rocked!Ok so first Mowgli and I danced together, then a whole bunch of other people danced with me including the following: Tesch, Kole, Bronson, Landon, Jensen, Jake, Xavier, Nate, Joe, Justin, and oh my gosh who is the last guy! Can't remember! UGH! Oh it'll come back to me later. Anyway, we wet up in front of everyone and did the Macarana and the Chicken Dance and we ROCKED THE HOUSE! It was really fun! But the worst thing, even thought I danced with 12 guys all together plus a whole bunch of fast songs, I never got to dance with the two guys that I really wanted to dance with with all my heart and soul! :'( I was so depressed when I learned that they weren't coming. And even more depressed when the reality of it sunk in. It would have been the perfect opportunity to make a friendship so that I would at least have a reason to talk to them! And now all my hopes are dashed! Just thinking about it makes my sad inside. And I still can't remember who it was!SUCESS! It was Clark :)

So pretty much yeah...

So pretty much yeah I have no idea what to write about. I'm planning on writing 1,000words since I didn't write in this last week, and I'm already stuggling with 500! I might just copy and paste one of the books I'm working on, but thats lame. Oh oh! I know! I'll write about the dance! Which was today!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh my gosh!

Ok so this has been a very busy weekend for me and I totally forgot to write in this or the dicussion board so I'm going to do that right now and write the rest of this later! UGH!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hope: The Harvey Milk Speech

This is what I entered for the Letters About Literature contest:

“Somewhere in Des Moines or San Antonio there is a young gay person who all the sudden realizes that he or she is gay; knows that if their parents find out they will be tossed out of the house, their classmates will taunt the child, and the Anita Bryant's and John Briggs' are doing their part on TV. And that child has several options: staying in the closet, and suicide. And then one day that child might open the paper that says "Homosexual elected in San Francisco" and there are two new options: the option is to go to California, or stay in San Antonio and fight. Two days after I was elected I got a phone call and the voice was quite young. It was from Altoona, Pennsylvania. And the person said "Thanks." And you've got to elect gay people, so that thousands upon thousands like that child know that there is hope for a better world; there is hope for a better tomorrow. Without hope, not only gays, but those who are blacks, the Asians, the disabled, the seniors, the us's: without hope the us's give up. I know that you can't live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. And you, and you, and you, and you have got to give them hope.”
-Harvey Milk

Josie Drott
9th Grade
The Harvey Milk Speech

Harvey Milk was assassinated because of who he was. Because he believed that everyone is created equal. And I know that if he were here today, he would do everything in his power to stop it. Today we are faced with the same problems that gays, lesbians, and bisexuals all faced thirty years ago, back in a time when blacks were considered inferior, when the disabled weren’t respected, and when people who weren’t like the majority were frowned upon. Over the years we have overcome so much discrimination, but just when we thought that everyone was called equal - no matter their sex, skin color, race, or beliefs - we are faced with the issue of same-sex marriage. Once again people are going back to thinking that they are better than others just because there are more of them; reverting to that sense of superiority. I believe that you should have the choice of marrying, loving, and being with whomever you want, and I believe that no one should be able to change that.
Seeing as Harvey is no longer around, I will try to bring to light would he would say to the best of my abilities. Think of a group or community you are in. Here in Utah the Mormon Church is the biggest and most powerful force in our state. The majority is Mormon, but what happens when you go to another state where the main religion is Baptist? Do they force you to change or kick you out? No, they let you believe in whatever you want and embrace you for who you are. We have come so far from the prejudice that use to rule all of our hearts, why is homosexuality any different?
People deserve respect no matter what. You shouldn’t judge them because they aren’t exactly like you. Everyone should have a chance. I myself know several gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, and they are incredible nice and good people. You should never assume that just because someone is a certain way that they are unsavory or bad. The individuals that make up a group are generally agreeable people that just want to be understood, not prosecuted. If you take the time to get to know a few, you will realize that they like and dislike the same things as you and feel the same way about certain things as you. You can connect on so many different levels with people different from you.
Proposition 8 was recently passed with great support from the Mormon Church. The problem is that there are so many homosexual and bisexual Mormons that there were protests in front of the Temple in Salt Lake City. They estimated about one thousand people to come, but over 3,000 joined the rally. That is to show that there are groups within groups believing the same, yet differently.
Like Harvey, I believe that there is hope no matter where you go. So long as there is individuality amongst the many, you will always find controversy. You are who you are, and no matter how many laws they pass, the government can never change you. People need to be understood and not put into a category simply because their genetic code is different. That is what makes us human, not all following the same primal instincts, but being you. And no amount of hatred or discrimination or prejudice will ever be able to stop people from having hope for a better future.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Black Friday

Yeah yeah yeah I know its Sunday... but at least I'm actually writing about it! So my sister and I drove and met my mom at the mall, then we shopped and picked out some clothes we want for Christmas and it was pretty fun. Except for the fact that it was 7:00 in the morning and I hadn't eaten breakfast! But my sis and I went to Orange Julius and I got a peaches and cream smoothie. Then we walked around and I went into Wet Seal when she went into Victoria's Secret and I got a really cute shirt that I'm gonna wear tomorrow and a whole bunch of bangles that I am going to wear tomorrow too! Then we went into... Hollister... and my sister got a cute red shirt. Then we left and went to Target and I got my dad a present! Then we went to Ross and I got a really pretty purple shirt that I think I'm gonna save for the school dance. And I also got a red shirt with a brown Mickey Mouse. Then I got Mackenzie a present. Oh yeah, and I got Emily a present too. I'm so cool! I was gonna get Joe, Jake, and Justin presents, but I realized I had absolutely no idea what to get a bunch of boys for Christmas! When I started I had 90 bucks and when I ended I had around 25. But I'm happy with everything I got! But what sucks is that I still have to buy more presents and I already got my allowence so what I have is all I have!

Friday, November 28, 2008


So a lot of you know that yesterday was Thanksgiving. I bet a lot of you didn't know that though. Just kidding! Of course all of you guys knew that yesterday was Thanksgiving! Hopefully. . . . Well, I just wanted to say that I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and you got so sick to your stomach that you could barely breathe afterwards! I know I did!

Sunday, November 23, 2008



Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hell Week

So this week has been Hell Week to the max. So you all know that Hell Week is the week before a big preformance, well thats true for me AND like everything in the entire friggin' world has happened. I went to the prison on a field trip and so I was behind in school and I have had so much homework lately its not even funny. And I got this thing called Walking Pneumonia so I'm like way super sick for all the preformances. But the single worst thing that has made this the worst week of my life is that my dad was diagnosed with cancer on Monday. Before you get your knickers in a knot, just know that it isn't terminal, but its a chronic disease so he'll have it for the rest of his life. Its called Multiple Milomia and is in his bone marrow. But its cool because what they do is take some of his stem cells and if he ever need a bone marrow transplant then they just use his own. But because I'm so sick and the chimo has shot his immune system he wont be able to hug me tonight.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Sp yesterday was our first dinner theater practice and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. But thats probably only because I had help from the way cool chick named Gillian and now I have it down to a science. We only got to page 10 of 15 in like 4 hours. But we did learn the dance. Oh my gosh that was fun! But friggin' Mogli kept making fun of me so next time in gonna dance with Tesche. But right before we left, Mrs. Loureiro stared me down and was all like the next person who mentions the whole Mogli kissing thing will get kicked out of the show. I was all like oh my gosh it was just a joke! I wasn't trying to be mean to him! I mean, what does she expect when you make ninth graders kiss!? She set herself up for it if you ask me. Plus, Mogli and I are good friends. Oh my gosh they have this website thing on YouTube and I watched some of their videos. . . it's good to know what teens boys do in their spare time. Personally, my favorite was 007: The Hitman, but they were all really the same in that they had gus, shooting, and people hurting each other. But what did I expect? I mean seriously? Anyway, our preformance is next Friday and I'm freaking out! I know I'm gonna do fine, but you just can't help it this close to the preformance. And OH MY GOD I looked at one of the pictures of another girl wearing the dress I am, and she was wearing one of those ridiculous almost turtle-neck Mormon shirts and it was the single worst thing I have ever seen! No offence to anyone who wears them, but if she makes me, I will drop out of the show. And I'm so not kdding either. I refuse to be paraded around like something I'm not; AKA Mormon.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Oh Milanta

So I have been through like a bizzilion different templates and I have decided that I really like this one. If I change it before anyone reads this, it is pink and blue and green and has kind of a paisley design. But yeah, its been my favorite so far :). I've really gotten into the whole posting pictures thing, so I think I might do some more of that later. I don't even know if I'm doing it right, but it seems to work for me. And bubbles. I love bubbles. I'm sitting here looking at my moms computer and whenever it goes to sleep multi-coloured bubbles pop out from the corner of her screen. Sorry, I'm being really random here. So how many of you have seen Robots? I'm listening to the soundtrack and the last song is called Robot City and it's by Bloue Man Group and John Powell and it's friggen' pimp! I love it! But guess what sucks. I'm totally getting a cold. Like it started last night and it's not really a cold yet, but I have to blow my nose like every five seconds and my throat is way super soar. Which really sucks because I hate blowing my nose at school, but then its good because its means that I wont have a cold for Dinner Theater, but it means I might have a cold soar which sucks even more! And now I'm listening to my absolute favorite song in the entire universe! Wonderful Night by Fatboy Slim! It is so cool of milanta!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

These are our pics from Halloween :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

... (cont.)

So I still feel really bad and really don't want to go to school tomorrow. . . and I'm only writing this because I have no one else to talk to. Not that I'm talking to anyone imparticular, but it feels good to vent. Boys are freaking retarded! Why can't they just understand! It's not that hard! . . .


Have you ever felt totally and utterly retarded and stupid and just wanna go crawl in a hole and die? Well. . . that's how I feel right now. I'm not gonna tell you guys all the details, but I really just wanna sit down and cry right now. Like a lot. I think I'm gonna go cry now.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Ok! So we all know that today is Halloween an so far its been so much fun! I went to school with Teshe (sorry, I really don't know how to spell that) and we played with all of Mrs. L's (drama) costumes! and then I came home and my mom and I carved pumpkins and later tonight Mackenzie and I are going trick or treating and its gonna be even more awesome! 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Hate You

(This in no way reflects how I actually feel about anyone, I was just having a really bad day and wanted to be all dramatic)

I hate every single thing about you.
The way that you look at me,
Like there is nothing else in the world.
But those are with eyes full of lies.
You talk and you walk and you laugh,
Sometimes with me, sometimes at me.
Can’t you just disappear?
Make me happy and free and joyful?
I’m like one of Shakespeare’s poems I once read:
“Life’s but a walking shadow,
A poor player that struts and frets
His hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more.”
Almost like a lightning storm,
Darkness then blinding pleasure,
Only to be snatched away back into darkness.
That is how I feel about you.
You come and stay and go,
But never will you love me.
Because I hate you.

Intro to who knows what. . .

July 23
11:15 AM

The rich mahogany hair the encircled her face was like a crown of innocence. A halo of purity. The think, lustrous strands lay in intense contrast to the sheet of white skin that shaped itself into her face. Pouting red lip, dry and cracking. The sullen eyes set deep within her sallow cheeks; bordered by curling, black lashes.

As she lay there, a picture of flawlessness in all senses of the word, the people who stood over her began to cry. She was resting in the coffin where she lay surrounded by the very souls who had killed her. The very souls who had sat idly by while she struggled to live until death’s cold grip had captured and taken her.

The black box in which she was to ever more be incarcerated gleamed as if it too knew the secret. The secret for which she was no longer alive. And in one individual, whose eyes caught the gleam, also lay the secret. And as he stood there, amongst all those that had killed his only love, he laughed. A laugh breaking the silence like shattering glass. A laugh the ended in a bang.

Fired from a vantage point high up on the hill. Executed perfectly. He fell onto his lover, and in his last breath whispered something in her ear. Amor fati. Love your fait. Then his face to went white and he and his lover were once again, united.

So yeah. . .

I'm just gonna post random things that I have written a long long time ago. If you guys want to you can respond, but nothing is terribly serious. Although both are rather morbid so be prepared. . . .



Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Count of Monte Cristo

So oh my gosh. . . I am so retarded I can't even stand to look at myself in the mirror. I have put off reading until this weekend so I started on page 50. Right now I'm at like 320, but I want to finish it before tomorrow so I can take the test in the computer lab. But seriously! How much reading can one person do in a night?! Ugh. . . I know it's all my fault and I have learned a very valuable lesson, but I CANNOT let me grades drop at all. And I mean at all. I'm thinking I'll just lock my self in my room and read until I'm done, but my mind just starts wandering and I keep reading the same line over and over again. Plus, I still have to finish this and get everything for tomorrow ready. I mean if school is only gonna bet harder from here on, I'm doomed.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


I'm feeling in a really random mood, so I thought that I might just talk about random stuff since I don't know if I can finish Chapter 3 by tomorrow. I made National Academic League and the list of name's is on the office window she all of you guys should go and check it out. We're all totally amazing. A lot of people make fun of me for it, they it's a class for dork, even Mr. Jones. I've seen the Joneses' family blog actually, it's pretty cool. We had a test in his Geometry on Friday and I had one in Mr. T's class. His was much easier, I got 43 out of 45. But oh my gosh, Mrs. C (French teacher), she has the hardest tests ever. Hers are probably the hardest ever. . . yeah. . . not my best subject. My computer is freaking out right now, its memory is like almost totally full, so it's so slow. And the weird thing is that it's just my computer, not even my families; so it's all my stuff.


Ok so I have been way super busy like this whole week and haven't had any time to work on my story and now its due tomorrow and I havent done the disscusion board AND Count of Monte Cristo is due next week and I'm on like page 200 and I have to keep reading and I have a whole bunch of other homework! my life is so complicated! I know Count of Monte Cristo is my fault for putting it off so long. . . but still! And I want to enter a picture and a poem into the reflections contest but my printer is all out of ink so the colors come out funny! Why is life so diffucult. . . ?

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Some More Drama

So I just thought I would tell EVERYONE that I am Lady Macbeth and a Fairy in Dinner Theater :) Terribly exciting I know, but I happen to be way excited so beat that!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Chapter 2

September 7th, 1940
London, England

“Come quickly now, or you’ll be late!” James hissed.

He stood in the shadow of his house, glancing fervently around for some sign Charlotte was on her way.

“You’ll laugh!” Charlotte complained from around the corner.

“How could I ever laugh at you? I’m sure you look fine,” James said, walking to where Charlotte stood.

She sighed and moved from her slouching position to face him. James let out a chuckle and Charlotte dashed back to the blackest shadows.

“No, you really look great, it’s just I’ve never seen you with so much make-up on,” James said as he saw the look in Charlotte’s eyes, like she was on the verge of tears.

“But. . .” she began but was cut off.

“If you don’t leave soon, they wont let you in. Now this was my present to you and you had better take it with the most grace. Now get your little bum in gear and go to that ball and have a good time!” James pushed her out of the shadows and into the street.

“You’re not going to walk with me?!” Charlotte asked.

“A lady cannot be escorted to a dance by a mere middle-classman.” James said before he scampered away into the darkness leaving Charlotte alone.

The walk to The Spyglass was short, but alone at night in the streets of London was not the best thing for a girl who had barely yet turned seventeen. The previous day had been her party, and as a present, James had given her one of his mothers old dresses to wear. Since her death two years ago, his father had not been very lively and hadn’t even noticed when he had snuck it out of the house for her.

It hung off Charlotte’s frame like a wispy shawl, pale blue and so sheer it almost looked gossamer. A silver slip peeked above the top, barely visible. It had the lowest neck line Charlotte had ever worn, but the way it hung off her shoulders seemed to fit perfectly.
The night took on a sudden chill and Charlotte regretted her decision not to bring a jacket. She didn’t own one that wouldn’t draw attention to herself by wearing a poor mans coat, but maybe she could just leave it outside. . . .

Charlotte was just thinking of turning back when she heard a voice from behind her.

“Now what’s a fine lady such as yourself doing out alone in the streets of London at night?” said a man’s voice.

“I-- um-- am going to The Spyglass for the ball tonight.” Charlotte whispered, not turning around.

“Fancy that! As am I. Shall we go together then?” he asked, maintain his advance.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Charlotte stuttered.

“Tisn’t more than a few blocks,” he continued softly.

Just then, he appeared in front of Charlotte and she got her first real look at him. His hair was slicked back across this head; black with gel. A big, beak-like nose took up most of his face, but his smile and eyes showed Charlotte just what she needed to analyze him. His smile was crooked with amusement and perfectly white teeth implied vast amounts of money in his family. And his eyes. His eyes sparkled with excitement for the coming night, glints of chocolaty brown speckled throughout the intense green.

“Come, we shall go together and have a brilliant time,” he said wrapping his arm around Charlotte’s. “By the way, my name is William.”

“Charlotte,” she said before remembering she was suppose to keep her identity a secret.

“A very pretty name for a beautiful girl.” William whispered in her ear.

Charlotte blushed and bit her lip to keep from giggling.

Up ahead they could hear soft music coming from The Spyglass. She couldn’t tell what song it was, but it was getting louder by the moment. They turned around a corner and the smell of expensive perfumes and cigarettes enveloped them. A dim light filled the street and they both quickened their pace.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Chapter 1

October 3rd, 2008
Salt Lake City, Utah

“Sigh.” I said. I didn’t actually sigh, I just said it to get my point through.

My mom and I stood at the checkout stand in Smiths. I knew that we should have just used the self checkout, but mom of course had a gift card and hadn’t wanted to go through and of the hassle of making it work. So hear we stood, not much better off.

She had tried to explain to me how buying one’s self 4 gift cards could save you money, but as usual when she talked about money, it had gone in one ear and out the other. Sounds mean, I know; but if you already knew how to track your money properly, and did it, what else could there be to learn?

It wasn’t that I minded going shopping with my mom, don’t get me wrong on that, it’s just I couldn’t understand why we had to deal with getting the ten dollars deducted off, when they could just hand us ten dollars.

My eyes wandered over to the cart where a box of brownies lay. Only my favorite food in the universe. And here I waited oh so impatiently to eat them. Stomach growling all the while.
I probably would have been in a better mood if out bagger had been a cute boy, but it happened to be a cute girl who, whenever a cute boy walked past, would flirt with them. Not my cup of tea if you get my gist.

My mom and I had just been in a fight about something I can’t even remember, so we weren’t really on speaking terms. We fought ever five seconds, and made up about fifteen minutes later. But it had only been ten, so I would just have to deal.

I shifted my weight from foot to foot, trying to get some circulation going. On my seventh shift, I heard something.
Not something anyone else could hear, just me. That dreaded sound when you’ve stepped in something sticky.

I didn’t know what it was and I really didn’t want to find out. I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly. Patience was not a virtue I had yet mastered.

Looking around for a distraction, My vision came upon the other people in line. They looked like they were enjoying this just as much as me.

A Hispanic family with a young boy and older girl were at the very end of the line and hopefully searching around for an open line. I was envious of those children because the amount of sweets in their cart made my mouth water.

In front of them were to friends whose cart was so loaded with beer it almost had me worried. One of these guys caught my attention more than the other. He had his hair in dreadlocks and in a beanie. Think he might have been Australian with is accent.

But the one who I found most fascinating was a woman who was right behind us in line.

It’s not that there was anything in particularly special looking about her, but as usual, I wondered. Mostly about a scar on her right hand, crescent-shaped and pale pink in contrast to her wrinkled skin. She looked to be around eighty years old, but her hair was long and bright red. Not that cheap I just got it dyed, but real, beautiful hair. She wore no make-up, no fake nails, and her clothes were very simplistic.

What had brought her here, right now? What events had happened that had lead her to this moment? What was her story? And my imagination rumbled into gear. . . .


So, I am about to embark on a epic adventure! Well. . . at least the charactures in my newest story are. I write this now to tell you that all of the following posts (except for ones I absolutely have to do) will be chapters in the book until I get bored with it or (for the first time in my life) finish it. I'm thinking about calling it 9 in the Afternoon, but thats the name of a song. I'll prolly think of a really cool one later and tell you guys. So here's the first chapter:

BTW: All of the following are works of fiction and do not in any way, shape, or form represent people or experiences from real life.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Blindness (cont.)

Just warning you, this description is very, very graphic so do not read on if you can't stomach this kind of thing. I have no worries about any of you seeing the show because it was rated R and any parent that would let you is very silly indeed. Fair warning. . . I'm really only doing this for the word count. . . you REALLY don't want to know. . . .

So it starts off this Chinese guy goes blind and only sees white. Then he goes to a doctor and the doctor goes blind and then the Chinese dudes wife goes blind and the guy who stole the Chinese guys car. . . and just a whole bunch of people. Young black guy, prostitute, old man, lots of people. So they're put into the facility with 3 wards, and at first its only a few people. But then more come in and suddenly all 3 wards are over-flowing and people are cramped together like sardines. Now, the doctors wife can see so she's like the leader. But she doesn't tell anyone she can see but her husband (stupid, I know) but she still helps everyone. Ward 3 goes insane and somehow gets hold of a gun and makes people pay for food with their valuables. But when they run out of valuables, they make them give them women instead. 9 women go because everyone is starving to death and there is a solid 10 minutes of nothing but rape. Now I of course closed my eyes, but the things I heard will folow me FOREVER. One chick ends up dying andeveryone is freaking out. Just so you know the only reason they are doing what Ward 3 says is because everyone is blind and they have a gun. . . . The next night they come for Ward 2 and the chick who can see kills the leader of Ward 3 and then another chick lights them all on fire. So like all of Ward 3 is dead and Ward 2 just kind of disapears. The main people from the beging go outside and see that all the guards keeping them locked up are gone so they leave. The rest of the movie is just them seeing everyone in the outside world surviving blind. And in the very end the first Chinese guy who went blind can see again! Whoot! And that's pretty much it. . . .


So in about 3 or 4 hours I'm going to see that new movie Blindness and it's gonna be amazing! I'm so super way excited! If any of you are planning on watching it, then you might not want to read my next blog 'cause I'm gonna tell you all about it!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Drama. . .

So right now I am trying to memorize a Shakespeare poem for drama and it isn't working out very well for me. I mean, I have seriously read through it like a bizillion times and I just can't seem to get it! And I totally want to do the part where the chick gets murdered, but I can't friggin' memorize this sucker to save my life! It's horrible! I'm gonna have to go and work on it some more now. . . :P lucky me. . . .

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm gonna die!

So Mackenzie and I watched all 3 Final Desinations last night! Oh my god they were so terrifying! I'm like afraid for my life now! Its like everything is out to get me! I'm seeing all patterns and signs and I'M GONNA DIE! I'm gonna get squished or impaled or cooked or exploded or squewered! AAAHHH! I don't wanna die! And I keep on feeling these weird breezes! Just like in the movie! Death is coming to get Mackenzie and I! And we don't know whose going first! Here's a list of my emotions right now: :'( O_o 'O' x_x :/

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Please respond!

Oh my gosh! I'm having a sleepover with Mackenzie today! I'm SO excited! We're gonna watch all 3 Final Destination's and play pool and go shopping for our Halloween costumes! It's gonna be amazing! Have any of you ever been to Hobby Lobby? If you haven't, then GO! It's like the best store EVER! It has everything from flip-flops to feathers! We're gonna have so much decorating our. . . wait. . . I can't tell you! But just know that our costumes are gonna be better than yours! So what are you guys planning on being for Halloween? Are you guys gonna go Trick-or-Treating, go to a church party, or go to a party? I think I might have a party. . . but I'm just not sure. How many of you guys would come if I did? Please respond!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Body Worlds

So yesterday Mrs. Cobia's 2 Biology classes went on a field trip. Now those of you who read this and were on the field trip will know what I am talking about when I say that my poor, little mental phscye has been scarred beyond recognation. Oh my god it was so horrible. I'm very surprised that I didnt throw up there. Mostly everyone actually thought it was COOL. I'm like, "Dude, are you serious?!" I hated it and I never want to go back! The man who made it is phsycotic and need to be put in a small, padded cell where he can cause no more harm. Ang I'm not one whose afraid of stuff like that. I mean, I want to go to medical school. I just don't think that they should use bodies like that even if they gave their full concent. I mean, they had a camel whose head was cut into 3 sections, each at a differnet height! And bodies should not be contored like that! The entire thing was nasty! I hope that you are never forced to go there ever never ever! Sick, sick minded fiends. . . .

Monday, September 22, 2008


Don't you guys just love my new profile?! I owe it all the little miss booty! Tehehe I love it just so darn much! ch'all should totally make one like mine! I know you want to! Don't even lie! ;)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Epic Tale of a Bloody Nose

So you know that feeling you get when you have to sneeze. . . or when your about to get a bloody nose? Well, I use to get bloody noses so often that my body is now attuned to getting them. So, five minutes before the bell is going to ring, signalling us to head to fourth period. I get that feeling. I say, "Mr. Jone's, I'm getting a bloody nose, may I go to the restroom?" just like that. Of course he says yes, so I'm off. Now sometimes they're small (like the one I just had) but then sometimes, they're huge. And of couse, this one has to be huge. It wouldn't have been exciting if it were small. So I'm in the bathroom trying to mop up the bloody mess I made when the bell rings. You know those bathrooms with the little lounge thingy in front of them? Well that's where I was. And I had to stop by my locker and get my stuff for LOURAROU'S (spelling. . .) room! Way on the other side of the school! SO I just grab a whole bunch of toilet paper and run for it. Luckily I made it to her class before the bell rang, but I had had to run over like every hall with red soaked tissue paper smeared all over my face. She lets me go to the bathroom and I get it all cleaned up, with the stares from many frightened sevies, I might add. But I wasn't tardie and didnt get any blood on my nose. But I don't think I was a terribly stunning sight on the way to class. . .

Dude. . . (cont.)

So pretty much yeah. . . my cold still sucks. . . but it's on the mend. I was suppose to hang out with LeCheminant, but I couldn't because we were both so sick! I think that almost every ninth grader in the school was sick this weekend. But then again, maybe I'm just crazy. Do you wanna know what sucks even more than having a cold? Having a cold and getting a really bad bloody nose. Oh yeah. . . you know your jealous. But oh my gosh, I got a bloody nose at school one time, and it was like five minutes before 3rd period was suppose to end. . . I'll tell you the WHOLE story:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Dude. . .

So, I'm like totally getting a cold! :P It SUCKS! My nose wont stop running and I can't breathe to save my life! I think it might be allergies. . . but I've never had them before! So I just don't know! And I'm like so tired! I just want to crawl in a hole and DIE. I hate colds. I wish they would all die. Whoever invented them sucks! I'm so not kidding either. And tomorrow I'm hanging out with LeCheminant. . . so I don't want to be sick for that! Horrible horrible horrible! Ow. . . I just sneezed. . .


OMG! OMG! OMG! I just got a new IPod :D It's only the most amazing thing EVER! Okay, so it's one of those super cool new nano's, so it's purple! I want to show it off to everyone 'cause I spent a lot of money on it and I have earned that right! And now, I intend to tell you ALL about it! So, as I'm sure you've heard by now, it's purple and the screen like takes up of the whole IPod! On the back it says . : Tinkerbell : . with jmd underneath it because those are my initails! And oh my gosh! When you turn the actual IPod, the screen spins with you! I have this one game named Maze ang there's a little dot that roles around and you try and hit these things to get more points! Then there's Klondike which is kind of like Solitare. . . but way cooler! And then there's Vortex which is like Pong, but, again, way totally cooler! And the video's! Oh my gosh! Everything about it is amazing! Everyone has to look at it and bow down to its awsomeness!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Confliction. . .

Ever have one of those days where you just can't seem to decide? Welcome to my life! Totally cliche, I know. . . but it's so true! Everything in my life is upside down and backwards! Litterally. . . kind of like a microscope! and everyone is make fun of me for having all these ellipsies. . . but I jsut like them so darn much! I wont get into the details of them. . . but I just want all of you to know how many problems I have right now! You should all be apprecaiting your own lives!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy News!

So my mom LOVED her presents! She was so excited when she saw all of them! It made me so happy that she was happy! I got her a lotion and matching shampoo and conditioner and they were she favorite scents! I feel so cool! I think she likes my presents the most because she still doesn't expect me to find a way. Which makes it even better! But yeah. . . we're gonna go and watch Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day. . . and it looks cute . . . but I'm really tired now. Plus, I have to finish reading Blue Noon, hopefully finish Faerie Wars and Purple Emperor (hopefully. . .) and maybe if I physically possibly can, get started on Count of Monte Cristo. But I really doubt the last 3/4 of that are going to happen. But a girl can dream. I am so proud of myself for figuring (with Mr. Thompsons help :P) how to work the Falcom Forum thingy! I understand! Honors English really doesn't seem quite so dfficult anymore. Except for the reading. . . thats not as much fun for me. Oh, and I ended up with 532 words! WHOOT!


So pretty much yeah. I just made my moms cake for her birthday and it's only the MOST AMAZING CAKE EVER MADE! It's pink and purple and blue and green and absolutely PERFECT! It's makes my day! But I'm still a little worried about the present. She isn't home from work yet. I'm still proud of myself, though. You see, when I shop, it is always with my mom. She either knows about her gift of has to take me to the store the get it. It's never a surprise. But lately, like during Christmas and her birthday, I have been asking others to help me. She's one of those women who buys the gifts for and from anyone in our family. So I think it's nice that I go to the trouble of getting a surprise jsut for her. You know what I mean? She's gonna be home in about 45 minutes. . . so I should probably change out of my jammies. . . but i really don't want to. . . . I'm sure I will be writing back later to tell you some more about my mom's BIRTHDAY! :D


So today is my mom's birthday! I love her so much! We decided that while she was at work we would have my grandma come over and bake a cake and decorate it. She is only the best cake decorater in the entire world! We're thinking we'll do Cherry Chip cake with vanilla frosting, and then do some cool patterns all over the top. But she doesn't knoe about any of this yet. . . . But I feel kind of bad because she said she didn't want a present, but I got her one anyway and then she told me that she was glad I didn't. So I don't really know what to do. I still hopes she likes the present because I spent a lot of money on it. . . . Oh well! So I guess I will have to write back some more later because I don't really have anything else to say right now!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008