Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sophomore Class Presidency paper

This is the paper I wrote for being the sophomore class president.

Josie Drott
Opportunities and Options:
All Natural
You know those people who always seem to take charge of every situation and be the boss? Well, most of the officers seem to fit into that category. We have to be natural born leaders to have everyone in the school look up to us as role models. But even within the group of leaders, there has to be a “captain” that those people follow. You can’t just have a big bunch of people do whatever they want whenever they want to. You have to have system like a hierarchy so that there is order and people know what they need to do. We call it being President of the Sophomore Class.
Everybody has different strengths and weaknesses. In my case, my strength is taking charge of every situation. Whether it is a small ten-minute assignment at the beginning of class or a term project with a group of twenty people, I always find a way to take the lead in the situation. People gravitate towards me because they know that I will do my best to get the assignment done as efficiently as possible; they know that I will help them know exactly what to do. Some people may think that that is just being cocky, but I think that being the best you possibly can and helping others at the same time is a good thing.
But of course, I don’t always get to be the boss. I try my hardest to get the position, but I‘m willing to be a follower as well as a leader. I embrace the leadership of others, and try to see how their way can perhaps be better than mine. Then I help them and pitch in some of my ideas if they haven’t already thought of them.
This makes me a good choice for being the Sophomore Class President. I can take charge of a situation because I am a natural born leader, but I can also be totally chill with someone else leading as long as I get to help. I would love the job, but I will also back whoever has it. It’s in my nature to be happy with any position I get so long as I get to assist with everything.

Hell Yeah!

I MADE OFFICER! YAY! Sorry, my life just seems to be getting better by the second! I am so happy it's like not even funny! You should have seen me when I found out I made it! I was jumping up and down and all that fun stuff! But I can barely remember it now because it was at like five o'clock in the morning... I feel so bad though! Sarah introduced me to the whole idea and I made it and she didn't! I feel like such a jerk! But it's hard to feel bad when you feel good! Kalie (or however you spell her name :S) B. didn't make it either! I feel like a jerk... Anyway, our first assignment is to write a one page report about why we would make a good Class President, so I'm going to do that after I'm all done with this. I have no idea what I'm going to say though. I mean, I already made it in, why does it matter if I'm president?! But on May 7th we're going in for getting measurements for our jackets and we have to have a 100 dollar deposit! But my parents are paying for it so I don't really care! I am so excited! Oh yeah, one more thing. The rack meet on Friday rocked too!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Um... yeah... I kinda haven't written on the for like over two weeks... I have thought up several really good excuses... but I don't particularly want to say them 'cause then I'll feel lame.... But I have a plan! Don't worry! I will put A LOT of words down... :)! First off I would just like to say a couple of things... First off, today was my interview at NORTHRIDGE for sophomore officer and I'm pretty sure I did AMAZINGLY! We find out on Thursday night! I'm so nervous! But I really think I have a chance! YAY! And the next thing I have to say is-- why... I don't think I have anything else I would like to say on this. I mean, I have a lot of thing to say, but not for public internet's eyes. If that even makes sense. But right now I'm writing a story called Unbegun Butterfly, and I'm going to post the first couple of pages on here. I know that unbegun isn't really a word, but it sound like one and I like it. The title wont make sense unless you read the whole book (which I haven't finished yet) but that's okay. All I ask, and I will say this again, is that you don't say anything about it because it's a first draft and I know it's retarded. I always seem to loose my pizzaz when people try to help me. I wonder if that is metaphorical for life....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

{Untitled Document} (but not really...)

I only have that as my title because I can't think of anything to say. It's like, I always say the title, but then it ends up evolving and changing and it is no longer what it was originally. So now I can talk about whatever I want on this entry. First off, I would just like to say that right now I should be sun-bathing on a giant cruise ship in Porter Rico (cause I have no idea how to spell that and my stupid mom wont tell me). And we were suppose to be there for ten days going on excurtions in the Southern Carribbean. I hate my life. My sister (who deserves things evil to happen to her [really evil]) just started talking about how we should be in the sunshine! I hate her guts! UGH! Well now I know what I should title this document as. Hate, Anger, and Sunshine. But I'm not going to because then I would have to delete some of the things I said and I would have less words.