Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm gonna die!

So Mackenzie and I watched all 3 Final Desinations last night! Oh my god they were so terrifying! I'm like afraid for my life now! Its like everything is out to get me! I'm seeing all patterns and signs and I'M GONNA DIE! I'm gonna get squished or impaled or cooked or exploded or squewered! AAAHHH! I don't wanna die! And I keep on feeling these weird breezes! Just like in the movie! Death is coming to get Mackenzie and I! And we don't know whose going first! Here's a list of my emotions right now: :'( O_o 'O' x_x :/


Mads said...

I LOVE the Final Destination movies! They are so good! Haha. They are a bit creepy though. :P

JoJo said...

just a little... :P