Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy News!

So my mom LOVED her presents! She was so excited when she saw all of them! It made me so happy that she was happy! I got her a lotion and matching shampoo and conditioner and they were she favorite scents! I feel so cool! I think she likes my presents the most because she still doesn't expect me to find a way. Which makes it even better! But yeah. . . we're gonna go and watch Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day. . . and it looks cute . . . but I'm really tired now. Plus, I have to finish reading Blue Noon, hopefully finish Faerie Wars and Purple Emperor (hopefully. . .) and maybe if I physically possibly can, get started on Count of Monte Cristo. But I really doubt the last 3/4 of that are going to happen. But a girl can dream. I am so proud of myself for figuring (with Mr. Thompsons help :P) how to work the Falcom Forum thingy! I understand! Honors English really doesn't seem quite so dfficult anymore. Except for the reading. . . thats not as much fun for me. Oh, and I ended up with 532 words! WHOOT!


Mimi said...

I feel like such a nerd! I've already got 1772 words and I'm working on another blog right now. >.< Ick.

Anyways, the movie you menioned, I absolutely loved watching that, it was entertaining. Did you notice that the really obnoxious-voiced girl played Moaning Mertle in the Harry Potter movies? Lol.

Glad your mom liked her presents! Oh, and I was going to tell you on your last blog that the cake sounded totally awesomely wicked, but I didn't feel like typing then, so I didn't. Ha ha, lazy me. :P


JoJo said...

OMG! That's a lot of words! And I thought I did a lot. . . :P Yes! Oh my gosh I was like "dude! she got so old!" It was AMAZING! Not gonna lie. :D By the way, I love your word. :D

Mimi said...

XD It's now up to 2544. Lol.

I know, right? Gurgaladededehba... I'm going to be saying that all year now. Ha ha.

I know! But her voice sounds exactly the same!

*By the way, who's that in your icon? I want to say Pink, but I'm pretty sure it ain't.

JoJo said...

Dude, you seriously need a FaceBook! So I'm gonna come over to your house and make you one! Okay? They are so much fun! :D Sitl can't say it. . . :P I know! She's the chick from Legally Blonde!

Mimi said...

Reese Witherspoon? Seriously? NO! I refuse, I will not, would not, could not create a facebook account. I'm having enough of a hard time as it is figuring out how to work 1000000 Monkeys! >.<

JoJo said...

Indeed! Why not?! It's WAY easier than dealing with all the stuff for Honors English! And what's 1000000 monkeys pray tell? Oh, and my mom said that I can go to Aida! So we totally have to car pool and go together! :D