Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hell Week

So this week has been Hell Week to the max. So you all know that Hell Week is the week before a big preformance, well thats true for me AND like everything in the entire friggin' world has happened. I went to the prison on a field trip and so I was behind in school and I have had so much homework lately its not even funny. And I got this thing called Walking Pneumonia so I'm like way super sick for all the preformances. But the single worst thing that has made this the worst week of my life is that my dad was diagnosed with cancer on Monday. Before you get your knickers in a knot, just know that it isn't terminal, but its a chronic disease so he'll have it for the rest of his life. Its called Multiple Milomia and is in his bone marrow. But its cool because what they do is take some of his stem cells and if he ever need a bone marrow transplant then they just use his own. But because I'm so sick and the chimo has shot his immune system he wont be able to hug me tonight.

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