Sunday, March 22, 2009

The REAL End of 3rd Term

So Friday was the first day of spirng which is the happiest news ever! And which happens to be the only happy news in my life right now. You see spring is my favorite season and it means that in just about 13 days I will be sitting on a giant cruise boat in the southern Caribbean turning into a lobster. But on the flipside we might not get to do many of the activities because of... personal reasons. I'm still really excited though. I got about 40 AR points so I have an A in English, and my math grade is going up. But my French grade is now a B. I really hope she puts more grades in because it will take me down which is not good. Not good at all. I don't really have much to say right now. I'm still really tired. That and I simply can't think of what to write on this anymore. Except one thing which is how betrayed I feel. I didn't say angry because that not the right word, but I do feel very betrayed. And I don't like the feeling at all.

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