Saturday, February 7, 2009


I have to be the most unhappy person ever alive right now. Im having a sleep over with Mackenzie this weekend (tonight actaully), but I have to read to page 140 (I'm only on page 48) and do a term project for biology. And thats not even the worst part. So I'm going to tell you a very long twisted tale full of code names and secrets, hate and love, and all that fun stuff:

So there is this boy, and for this situation we will call him Mr. C. And no it's not a teacher at our school, it's a students, who's a boy. And then there's a girl who we will call Miss Z just so people don't actually know who she is. And then there is me, and now you have met all the main charactuares. So it all started off at the begining of the year with a very attractive boy named Mr. C. I was so excited to have an opportuinity to get to know Mr. C, but that never happened. Anyway, Miss Z is (I am almost 100% positive)feels the same way about him that I do. And she happens to be a very social person, while I remain shy around him. She is very pretty and talks to him, while I don't, no, can't. I can't because I have discovered that I turn red at the drop of a hat. Not the best combination. I would tell you all the other juicy details, but that would give away the charactures. All I'm going to say is that I hope he goes to the dance on Thursday because I will ask him to dance.

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